A Semiarid Region and Drought
The Golden Plains area lies within a greater geographic region of North America called the Great Plains; a semiarid region characterized by:
- Silty and Sandy Loam Soils
- 12” to 18” Average Annual Precipitation
- Wind Velocities Average Between 12 to 14 M.P.H.
- Temperatures Range Between Below Zero in Winter to 100˚ in Summer

When the region experiences natural conditions outside of those above, such as an extended period of very-little or no precipitation, a drought is declared. Topics in this section include: CSU Colorado Drought Update, the U.S. Drought Monitor, and the National Drought Integration Information System.
Gardening in Drought
Take note of native plants and how they have evolved to survive this semiarid environment by adapting growth habits and characteristics such as compact forms, narrow leaves, and deep, fibrous roots being most notable.

Gardening on the Plains, however, does not mean we have to limit what we plant; rather, it is a matter of purposeful plant selection while implementing certain well-researched techniques that will result in success. Topics in this section provide information on Drip Irrigation, Mulching, Design and Plant Selection.